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Creating Unique School Memories: Remembering What Made 2020 Special

We hope you’re all staying safe and doing well in these uncertain times. We know for most of you guys it feels like the school year is almost over, and for you seniors it’s especially tough because this is your last year. While we’re not at school in person at the moment, that doesn’t mean that we can’t reminisce about the past year. We here at United Yearbook want to use this time to propose some ideas for you guys and help cheer you up, so let’s get to it.

Looking Back At the Good Times

Yearbooks are here to remind us, not only of what we’ve accomplished in school, but also of what our time in school has meant to us.

Not being at school and not being able to see your friends is really tough, so why not take those feelings and turn them into something optimistic? For the class of 2020, a really cool idea is for you to submit photos, descriptions, and meaningful memories from the past year to your school’s yearbook team. Not only will this bring back the fun and special memories you may have forgotten from last year, but it will also be an exceptional and meaningful addition to your yearbook. Yearbooks are here to remind us, not only of what we’ve accomplished in school, but also of what our time in school has meant to us. Think of it like this – you find your yearbook 10-15 years from now, and you remember that you submitted that special memory, whatever it may have been. Not only will you be able to show your significant other and children, but you’ll also be able to remember what it felt like to be young and carefree. So, take this opportunity to submit a memory that is meaningful to you.

Along with your submission, there should be a sentence or two describing why this memory is significant. For example, it can be something along the lines of “This was my senior game and I had my boyfriend there to show endless support. The second photo is the day I signed onto a college softball team, which was special because I had my coaches and family there to support me, etc.”

Make It Count

What better way to make this year’s book a little more special than by adding something that’s meaningful to these students?

Yearbook staffers, take this opportunity to make this year’s yearbook a little more special, not just because of the current pandemic, but because of how much the seniors have sacrificed to stay safe. What better way to make this year’s book a little more special than by adding something that’s meaningful to these students? The pictures and submissions can be of almost anything, so long as they’re appropriate. And you’ll want two submissions per person, that way you have more options. If someone submits a description with no picture, but you can recall what they’re referring to, do some digging and find a photo that matches. You can also use this time to brush up on your editing and design skills since, by having submitted photos, some of those photos might not be in the best shape – why not improve the quality by giving them better focus, exposure, and resolution?

We want to take a moment to commend this year’s yearbook staff and students for everything that they have done. We know you’re working tirelessly right now, and we appreciate everything that you have done and will do to complete this year’s yearbook. If you’re still working on your book, don’t forget to subscribe to our April newsletter, where Dr. Kate and Dr. John will go over more than 20 tips on how your staff can complete their yearbook from home. You can go to and sign up there!


Alyse Mgrdichian, Senior Editor

Alyse Mgrdichian holds a B.A. from Biola University, having majored in psychology and minored in philosophy. She is a senior editor for TSE Worldwide Press, the parent company of United Yearbook Printing, and she applies her expertise and love of stories to the role.

Anny Reyes, Content Contributor: Marketing Intern at United Yearbook, CA

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