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Custom watercolor lenticular yearbook cover


This image showcases the cover of a yearbook made for St. Ignatius of Loyola for 2015-2016. The cover is designed to look like a leather suitcase. This image is a close up of the details on the cover. When looking at it, you would assume it is made of leather, but is actually assimilated to look like leather with cross-grain embossing. It has two printed belts that overlap the cover, along with stamp-like details. One of them is located near the center right and reads 2015-2016. The other has small lines in the bottom left corner. The top belt fastens a passport and travel ticket.
This image features a close look at a framelike detail created for the St. Ignatius of Loyola yearbook. We see the very corner of a gold renaissance frame. The frame seems to be raised up because of the embossing we used. This gives it a 3-D effect that makes the frame popout. The gold frame is elegant and looks as if it was just polished because of the use of spot UV. There are many small details within the frame such as intricate carvings that create small arches and swirls adorning the side of the frame. The gold frame rests atop a burgundy background, making the gold features stand out even more.
Here we see the spine of a yearbook made for Damien High School. This image gives us a close look at the real imitation leather that was used to create the yearbook. This close look also shows us the intricate texture within this dark brown imitation leather. There is an indentation along the spine that reads “Damien High School” in capital letters. This effect was done by applying heat to a mold and pressing it against the imitation leather.
This image is a close up of a yearbook made for Rancho Cucamonga High School. When you look closely at the cover, you see there is a texture beyond the seemingly all black cover. This cover was created with a material called wibalin which is typically used for watch cases. Atop the black wibalin cover is the word “Remember” which has the debossing treatment to create an indentation within the material. The word is written in large pale yellow text. Below it is the school's name.
This yearbook has a rough almost sand-like material on the cover. It is actually made out of cork. At the top of the cover, black foil is used to write out the school’s title for the yearbook, “Ride away.” It is written in cursive writing and sits atop the cork. There is an outline of a wolf’s head that takes up a majority of the cover. It is also made with black foil. At the bottom corner is the year 2012 in medium font, which is also done with black foil.

Upgrades: Cross-grain embossing, debossing, and spot UV; open size: 17" (w) x 12" (h); page count: 200 pages

Debossing on imitation leather; debossing on Wibalin embossed paper; Pantone foil on cork paper

This image is a closeup of a yearbook done for Duarte High School. The image looks closely at the collage of graduating seniors that is featured on the front cover. Behind the collage is a sleek black background. Atop it, the collage lies within the head of the school mascot. Blue ink surrounds the school mascot as well as within the lines that form on the left side of the collage. The collage seems indented a bit because the blue lines are raised up with the embossing treatment. This gives the cover a three dimensional effect.
This yearbook was created for the 50th anniversary for this school. The theme was “spectrum” symbolizing a spectrum of colors. At the very center of the cover is a large 50 in black ink with gold foil outlining it. It has embossing to make it raise up and stand out even more. It sits atop different triangles that are tinted with a spectrum of colors. There are also images of students hidden with tinted triangles. At the left of the cover is the word spectrum written sideways outlined with white foil.
This picture showcases the school mascot, an eagle. Embossing is used to make the eagle pop up and give it a three dimensional effect. The eagle has a bright yellow face and a pale yellow beak that is open.The eagle looks regal and almost like it is flying off the page. The combination of embossing and spot UV, not only makes everyone's attention go directly to the eagle, but it also gives it the impression of soaring above and beyond the cover. We wanted to show a close up of the specific treatments that were used and showcase what we were able to do with this school’s mascot.

Emboss on litho print; emboss on litho print; emboss, gold-foil, and spot UV on litho print

This is a closeup of the initial cover done for Garden Grove High School. This yearbook staff originally wanted to print their yearbook on printed fabric. This image shows the texture of that fabric with small divots within it. The colors of different reds, grays, and blues are muted against this fabric. These different colors are similar to beams of light that flow across the cover.
This image is the final decision that Garden Grove High School decided on for their yearbook that year. This yearbook is the same design as the one to the left, however it is not printed on the fabric. The staff did not like how muted the colors were on the fabric. The reds, grays, and blues are a lot more vibrant on this version as they cascade across the yearbook.

Upgrade: Cross-grain embossing on litho print; open size: 18" (w) x 12" (h); page count: 368 pages

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